How To Work From Home & Maintain Your Well-Being And Sanity

One thing about me. I am a work from home girl through and through. After the pandemic, remote work skyrocketed. Many discovered that they feel a stronger sense of work-life balance when working from home. Commutes are eliminated, time is saved, and everyone feels more productive and comfortable.

I definitely feel more productive and at ease at my own desk, surrounded by a safe environment, working away in peace. I can grab a little snack, take a bathroom break, squish in a quick walk between breaks. It is just a far more balanced option than being physically stuck in a fluorescently lit office, where you can’t leave or even take a breather until it is time to clock out.

While remote work has its pros. It does have its cons as well. Feeling lonely and isolated, lack of social interaction, losing sense of time, the days blurring together, being sedentary for too long, and being stuck in your own head for too long, are all symptoms of long-term remote work.

When we step out of our home environment, we get a break. A break from our problems, repetitive thoughts, and blurring routines. We break away into a different environment surrounded by co-workers, which helps break our mental cycle for a few hours.

The increased isolation and possibility of being “stuck in your head” is common symptom of remote work. It is exponential if you have a demanding job schedule where you do not have enough time or energy to go somewhere or do something else afterwards.

How can one work remotely and still remain mentally and physically healthy?
Here are a few of my tried and tested strategies that you can try!

Set A Routine You Will Look Forward To:

A proper routine is the foundation to any organized and successful lifestyle. It is as simple as going to bed at time. Avoid screens before bedtime. You have had enough exposure to your computer screen throughout the day for remote work. Wake up at a time that allows you to feel well-rested while giving you time to get ready in peace.

Prepare a nutritious and tasty breakfast each morning. This will help you look forward to waking up each morning.

Include one of your favorite rituals into your morning routine. That can be making a coffee, journaling, going for a brisk walk, listening to music, or doing a yoga-flow. If you are an avid reader, a few pages of your current book is a good idea.

Any ritual or routine you enjoy, include it in your morning routine before work. It will help you exhaust your creative juices, make your feel happier, and leave you more focused for your work.

Set Up A Positive Work Space:

You will be spending many hours at your desk. Setup your little work corner like your personal sanctuary. Add your favorite décor and colors. Get a comfy chair to give your back a break. Add your favorite stationary, planners, and notebooks, to get yourself excited to work. Brew up a cup of coffee or tea for the day. Set up relaxing lights or candles. Play soft music. Open the curtains and let in sunshine, so your body and biological clock registers the time of day.

None of this has to be expensive. You do not have to splurge to set up a safe space for yourself. Just create a comfortable environment that you can look forward to working in.

Create an experience around your work. Romanticize your work day to really be present in the moment.

Now, I know some people live in packed households with limited space. In this case, have a conversation with your family. Pick out a small corner to set up as your dedicated work space. Use noise-blocking headphones to drown out the background noise as you work. There are ways to make work more pleasurable in crowded households. You just have to be flexible and creative.

Take Breaks Or Incorporate Movement:

Sitting in one place can make you sluggish and sleepy. If possible, take mini walking breaks. You can pace around your house or apartment if you do not want to go outside. But some sort of movement is essential to keep the brain firing!

Another option is to invest in a foldable walking pad you can keep under your desk or in your workspace. You can pull out the walking pad, turn it on, and fit in a few steps right there. Taking movement breaks or incorporating steps into your routine will help your physical health by deterring weight from piling on as you sit in a sedentary job day after day.

Dress for the Day:

It is very easy to become sluggish and lazy. It is very easy to just roll out of bed, log in, work absente mindedly, and watch the day blur away. Make each day distinct. Get up. Get dressed for the day. You do not need to wear a fancy corporate outfit. Just get up and get changed into something that is cute and comfortable enough to lounge in. Do your hair, wash your face, take care of your hygiene. You will feel refreshed and renewed. This is essential to maintain a sense of self!

Nutritious Food & Nourish Your Soul:

You have to nourish to flourish! You have to nourish your body, mind, and soul! This will keep you from falling into the pits of despair and overthinking. First off, eat nutritious food. There are hundreds of quick and healthy recipes online. Drop the microwaveable meals, take-out, and quick snacks. They are unhealthy and not doing you any favors. They will make you feel slow, sleepy, and heavy. Do yourself the favor and develop a list of healthy meals you do enjoy eating! Then meal prep them ahead of time. Your body will thank you!

Nourish the soul by taking up activities that promote peace and relaxation. This can be relaxing music, sunny walks, watching a favorite show for a bit, reading a few pages of a book, talking to loved ones, meditating. Any activity that gives you solace. Do it. Use your breaks, or the time before you start work, or the time you clock out, to nourish your soul!

Nourish the mind. Our minds can work a mile a minute. We tend to overthink, overanalyze, over-criticize. We easily relapse into anxiety. With remote work, we can be stuck in our heads for hours! The best thing to do is journal!

Cliché! I know. But journaling even a small paragraph about each day puts life into perspective. It allows you to distinguish each day from the next and shows a progressive timeline of your thoughts and mindset. If you have inner hurdles to work through, shadow-work is essential. Look up shadow journaling prompts online and write away your fears, anxieties, and traumas.

Now journaling is not the entire solution! It definitely helps, but seek therapy if you need it! Journaling is not a substitute. But it is a very impactful tool.

Organize Your Day In Blocks:

One of the best ways to boost productivity is to give your brain mini dopamine hits of accomplishment. This can be done by keeping a to-do list or a planner. It will help you physically visualize all the work you are getting done.

One of the easier ways to organize your day is to divide into time blocks, typically 1 hour blocks. Jot down what tasks will be done each hour of the day and try to keep yourself within that hourly limit. Obviously, longer tasks would take more time. You would alot them accordingly. The idea is that each hour you will accomplish something, feel proud of yourself, and then feel motivated to push on to the next hour.

A great tip is to place your tougher or tedious tasks in the morning when you are more awake or refreshed. Put the easier tasks in the afternoon when you are likely to be sleepier or less refreshed.

Socialize & Go Out After Work:

When the work day is done, log off! Put it aside. Do not think about it any longer. Take the rest of your day to get other activities related to your life done. Socialize and go out! Do not stay cooped up inside even after work.

Grab a friend or a family member and go out, even for a short while. When you stay inside doing remote work day after day, it is very easy to lose perception of the world. Go out and expose yourself to the world! It can be tough to find someone to meet up with. Everyone has busy schedules. In that case, go out solo. Do what you love!

A little shopping break (don’t overspend of course), a gym class, a community organization or club, a recreational activity, groceries, or even running errands. Just get out of the house!

End The Night & Unwind:

At the end of the day, put aside all your worries and give yourself time to do absolutely nothing! You need time to just be a vegetable and turn your brain off. This will help keep you from burnout! Take a shower, do your skincare, eating a little desert, or have a bed-time tea, and just lay there.

Dim the lights, turn on relaxing music, watch a show, read a book, or listen to a podcast. Or if you want…just stare at the wall, no stimuli needed.

Try to avoid doom scrolling on your phone and go to bed on time! This way you can wake up energized for the next day!

Wrapping Up:

In short, as a remote worker, your goals are to:
  • Distinguish and differentiate each day.
  • Follow a productive and doable routine.
  • Avoid burnout with self-care practices.
  • Get out and get socialization.
  • Eat healthy, move more, and always mentally check-in with yourself.
  • Still incorporate your passions and hobbies.
It can be a lot of working pieces to incorporate into a routine. Start slow. Fit in a few factors at a time. With time it will get better and better.

Also remember that there are countless other people who would love to work remote from the comfort of their home! Never lose sight of your blessings and practice gratitude. Find the positive in each moment and keep moving forward!

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